Monday, April 26, 2010

A day at the zoo

Here's Cameron looking oh so excited about his first trip to the zoo. He's got his zoo map in one hand and his sunglasses in the other.

A pretty giraffe that we saw

We took a little spin on the carousel with Cameron's cousins Quinn and Max

Cameron cooled off at the children's water station. Were bringing our swim suits next time! It was HOT!

A little dip in Mimi's pool after a fun day at the zoo.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I love my boys!

Two peas in a pod

Cam poolside

A little toe dip in the pool

This isn't so bad after all

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Cameron's First Easter

Cameron really enjoyed his first Easter. He got his very own Easter basket filled with goodies, ate some yummy food like Mimi's sweet potato casserole and my macaroni and cheese, and he even hunted for Easter eggs with the help of his older cousins Samuel and Jacob. Here are a few cute pics that we took today...

A beautiful Easter afternoon outside Aunt Sheila and Uncle Joe's house

The newlyweds- Emily and Jeff

More family pics

Cameron's Easter basket

Cameron having a little drink with Uncle Joe (still holding on to one of his Easter eggs from his basket!)

With Auntie Emme

Emily and Chelsea looking oh so cute!

Chelsea and her dad Joey

Michelle and Cam

Aunt Sandra and Cam

My mom

Mom and Cam

Cam hunting for Easter eggs

Samuel and Jacob helped show Cam the ropes with the Easter egg hunt

Cam was ready for a nap after all the excitement of his first Easter. Here he is snuggling with his Auntie Emme.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Love is in the air...

We went to another wedding last weekend. My friend Katie who I used to work with got married in St. Augustine and it was a beautiful day and a beautiful event! It was fun seeing some of my old co-workers that I don't see very often. They are the funniest bunch of jokers you will ever meet! Anyway, here are a few pics that we took.

A beautiful day in St Augustine. This was the view from the reception. Aside from a little construction work going on outside, it was a perfect day!

The happy couple

Another happy couple

This is my friend Lesley and her date Jeff. Don't they look like they are ready for the red carpet! What a gorgeous pic!

Lesley, Katie and me

I just LOVED these floral little things. I had to get a picture next to them!

Katie's cake. I thought it was neat how they put pics of their parents and grandparents wedding around the cake. Very creative!

The menu

My former co-worker Chris and his hysterically funny wife Nicole!

Katie's former boss Joe. He sat at our table at dinner.

And this was the only pic I got all night of my friend Sheila and her fiance Tom. Tom is Peter's cardiologist and has been for the last 8 years. Great guy! Poor quality pic though!