Friday, April 2, 2010

Love is in the air...

We went to another wedding last weekend. My friend Katie who I used to work with got married in St. Augustine and it was a beautiful day and a beautiful event! It was fun seeing some of my old co-workers that I don't see very often. They are the funniest bunch of jokers you will ever meet! Anyway, here are a few pics that we took.

A beautiful day in St Augustine. This was the view from the reception. Aside from a little construction work going on outside, it was a perfect day!

The happy couple

Another happy couple

This is my friend Lesley and her date Jeff. Don't they look like they are ready for the red carpet! What a gorgeous pic!

Lesley, Katie and me

I just LOVED these floral little things. I had to get a picture next to them!

Katie's cake. I thought it was neat how they put pics of their parents and grandparents wedding around the cake. Very creative!

The menu

My former co-worker Chris and his hysterically funny wife Nicole!

Katie's former boss Joe. He sat at our table at dinner.

And this was the only pic I got all night of my friend Sheila and her fiance Tom. Tom is Peter's cardiologist and has been for the last 8 years. Great guy! Poor quality pic though!


Emily said...

Fun! What a beautiful wedding! Glad to hear you guys are still a happy couple! haha...I don't know why that cracked me up! I miss yoU!!!!

Emily said...

I love her cake and the wedding was really pretty! I am glad you all had fun!