Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cameron's Ear Surgery

Cameron had his surgery today where the ENT put tubes in his ears. The whole procedure took maybe a total of 5 minutes! The doctor said he did really well. He got sick from the anesthesia afterward though which was not fun for any of us but as soon as we got home and he slept for about an hour, he felt much better. He's had a good day and hardly any ear pain. I did give him some Tylenol a little earlier but he seems to be feeling good. Now if the poor guy could just get a break from teething! He's recently gotten a mouthful of teeth all at once and it's been BRUTAL!

Anyways, here are a few pics that I took with my phone at the hospital...


Emily said...

I am glad it did not take long and that he is feeling better! :)

The Kenyons said...

I am so glad that it went well and that is doing fine! I can't believe how fast it took! That is nice...a relief to you, I am sure! He is such a cutie! Good luck with the teeth! :)

me said...

Hopefully from this point on there will be no more ear infections.Why can't adults look that cute in a hospital gown??

Krystal Trapnell said...

I'm pretty sure that hospital gown is the cutest! Why can't it look like that on me?

marlene said...

He looks so little in comparison to the background counter where he is standing. He is so precious - I just am counting the days when I can see him again. Glad that the procedure went well.

Annie and Family said...

What a cutie!

The Skoobs said...

Is that not the cutest picture ever of him in his hospital gown...SOOO CUTE!!!! I'm glad he's doing well.

Anonymous said...

Sure is a cute lil' thing. Seems like a happy tyke!