Saturday, September 8, 2007

Movies of the week- Bourne Ultimatum and Stardust

John and I saw two movies this week that I'd strongly recommend.

1. Bourne Ultimatum: We saw this movie on Labor Day and LOVED IT! I think it's the best of the three Bourne movies! I'd see it again! I'd definitely recommend seeing it if you like intense, action packed movies and if you like looking at Matt Damon!

2. Stardust: If you don't like action movies, I'd recommend Stardust. This is a movie that I probably wouldn't have seen if it didn't come highly recommended to us by John's sister. This kind of movie typically doesn't appeal to me (fantasy) but John and I saw it last night and really liked it! It was a very heart-warming story that the whole family can enjoy. There were a lot of well-known actors in it like Claire Daines, Michelle Pfeiffer, Robert Deniro, etc. I really enjoyed it!


Krystal Trapnell said...

Thanks for the recommendations! I love the pic of the chubby baby, but I'm glad I'm not the mama that has to haul him around!

Emily said...

So you still haven't seen Hairspray? I think you would love it!!! You would like that sense of humor in it! But I want to see both of those movies...but haven't...

Meredith said...

like to look at matt damon??? who doesn't?! :) i want to see bourne ultimatum really badly. i can't leave ainsley yet and she gets scared at loud noises. i think i am going to have to wait to see this one on dvd. glad to hear that it is good though.