Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

We're off to Knoxville, Tennessee tomorrow for Thanksgiving with John's parents. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday full of good food and even better company! Don't forget to feed your pets a special treat too!

And I just realized that Emily tagged me like a week ago, so now I am supposed to share 6 facts/ habits about myself. Here goes....
6 facts/habits about me:

1. Embarrassing Fact: I cried last night while watching the season finale of the Bachelor! Poor little Jenni! And poor Deanna for that matter. He didn't choose either one!!! What kind of crazy is he???

2. Fact: I LOVE baking heart shaped cakes for my husband who thinks I'm a great cook! (Even though I'm not!)

3. Fact: I love my dog Molly.

4. Fact: My favorite holiday movie is Elf. That movie just keeps getting funnier every time I see it! Will Ferrell is so hilarious! Fine holiday fun!

5. Habit: Without fail, I hit the snooze button at least three times every morning. This drives my husband crazy! I would lay in bed til 10 am if I could!

6. Habit: I have a tendency to be a little on the late side sometimes. My concept of time is definitely what we might call a "development opportunity".

So there you have it! Now I tag anyone who would like to share 6 fact/ habits about themselves with the world!


Meredith said...

i love Elf, too! Such a funny movie!

Emily said...

Happy Thanksgiving Linds! That was fun to read...I never understood snooze people--Bryson does that too and it drives me crazy! :) I saw "Cable Guy" on tv the other day and thought of you...do you still like that one?

Lindsay said...

Wow Cable Guy! The last time I saw that movie was in like 1997 and it was probably with you! Jim Carey was a little creepy in the movie.

Emily said...

Oh, Lindsay, we have so much in common. I have three alarms to get me up in the morning. I kind of hope I marry a morning person so I have a great reason to wake up in the morning. Elf is one of my favorite Christmas movies and I also was very upset over Monday night's ending to the Bachelor. What an idiot! Have fun at my parents house and I wish I could be with you guys and also here, because I love having this holiday with Aunt Kath's family.