Friday, June 27, 2008

What the heck is this?

I'm just learning so much these days. This morning, I went to the gym for one of my daily classes that I take at the Y. I was a few minutes late for the class and I walked in to find everyone warming up on these contraptions! I found my friend Amber in the back row who kindly set up my contraption for me right next to hers.

We proceeded to do our whole aerobics class on top of these workout props call BOSU balls. Has anyone used these in their workouts before? They really work different muscles in your legs because you're constantly trying to keep your balance and not fall off as demonstrated below.

This must be the 2008 version of step aerobics!


Ashley Perez said...

I love how all the people in that picture are totally fit! It's like they're telling you that if you work out on the "contraption" you'll look exactly like they will! Ha ha. I admire you for going to the gym. I stopped a few months back because things got so busy and I'm anxious to go back and become 23 again!

Emily said...

How cute Lindsay! I have used them and it is hard to stay balanced while doing other things!

Emily said...

I heard about that from Amber! Looks fun... good luck! :0)