Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Uncle Joe!

My uncle Joe just had a birthday recently and since he got such a kick out of my "vintage post" a few posts below, I decided to take another stroll down memory lane with him! Here's my uncle Joe through the years!

Here's uncle Joe back in 1952. What a STUD!

This was Joe (not Buddy Holly!) back in 1960

Sly Joe in 1976- All the ladies were after him this year. If a girl told him she didn't kiss on the first date he'd say "well how about the last?!"

Joe 1984- He had a case of Night Fever this year!

Happy Birthday Uncle Joe! You still go it goin on in 2008!
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Emily said...

Ok those shoes are hilarious! Love the tie-dye shirt, and love the new car! (or used car)--OH! And I love, love, love the painting! Very cool! Love ya--miss ya!

Emily said...

Those are so funny! I bet Uncle Joe loved those :)