Saturday, August 25, 2007

Dear blog...

Friday afternoon was a very good ending to a stressful week at work. John and I went to Fernandina Beach after work and walked around all these cute little shops and ate dinner at one of our favorite restaurants Barbara Jeans (It's this great little place that has awesome crab cakes) I'm glad I have a husband that likes to do stuff like that! He'll go shopping with me, he loves to go look at antiques and old houses. He's great! It was so much fun!
There's been a lot of change going on at my job lately. We recently moved office locations to the Corporate Head Quarters of my company. We have combined with this other communications area and now have a new VP that was hired to merge and restructure our areas. It's a very exciting and somewhat un-nerving time! We'll see how everything looks after the reorg.
Anyway, I'm in a book club and we are currently reading Wuthering Heights. I've almost finished reading it and wanted to see if anyone else has read it and how they feel about it. I'm not sure I'm too fond of one of the characters "Heithcliff" in this book. It's funny because I've been listening to the book on CD because I spend a lot of my time in the car and I really have been feeling a lot of anger inside as I'm driving down the road because of this mean mean character! I'm not sure how I feel about the book!
Anyways, if you've read it or are interested in reading it, we're having book club at my house this Thursday at 7:30. Come by and we can talk about it!

Fernandina Beach/ Amelia Island at Dusk

One of the pretty historic houses in the area

Eating at Barbara Jeans always brings a smile to John's face! I think this picture is so funny because the light at the table behind us looks like John's hat!


Mandy said...

Lindsay, hope you don't mind me checking in with your blog. But I love Amelia Island, that is where Tyler and I stayed for our honeymoon. Hopefully we will get back there again soon...

Emily said...

Yeah...Mandy you should go back--we should ALL move back there! Anyways...That was a pretty looks like you guys are standing on water...anyways..I have read that book...not one of my favorites...thats for sure...It is not my type of readin, though...but I don't know how far you are..but in the end I was satisfied with it...I don't remember much about it...but maybe I was just satisfied bc it was over..Ha ha...what is your next book?

Lindsay said...

Emily and Mandy- I think you both should definately move back to Florida! In fact, I think your entire family should come back! Jan, Landon, Jill, you guys, everyone! That would be so much fun!
And Em, I think I'm agreeing with you on Wuthering Heights. I havent finished it yet though. I'll let you know what our next books going to be

Mariah said...

I love the picture of you guys. It is so gorgeous. Sounds like you had a fun afternoon.

Emily said...

Hi Lindsay,

I love the pictures of you and John. You are such a cute couple and I am so happy I get to have you for a sister-in-law! Exploring old houses and shopping is very fun! I am glad your having a great time together.

See you soon!!!

jan said...

Lindsay, I am so glad that John likes to do those kinds of things and you are in a beautiful place to do it. it made me miss Florida, big time. I think we should all move back! I can't remember alot about Wuthering Heights. I'll have to re-read it, but I thought Heathcliff was suposed to be a woman's man? No? Now, let me correct you guys, "anyways" is not a word.

Lindsay said...

Jan- Don't waste your time re-reading Wuthering Heights. It's a miserable book! And Heithcliff is definately not a woman's man. Maybe if the woman is hungry for misery and torment! haha.