Saturday, September 20, 2008

John and "The Women"

John is the best husband EVER! For our anniversary, not only did he take me out to dinner to one of my favorite restaurants, Stonewood Grill, and to a play that one of my coworkers was in, he also went to see a TOTAL Chick flick with me the other night! How many husbands out there would sit through a chick flick with a name like "The Women" with their wife??? I had the best time. The movie was SO GOOD! John even "sort of" liked it. I LOVED IT! Click here to view the trailer. It was so much fun to watch! LOVED the clothes, loved the shoes, loved the handbags, LOVED EVERYTHING! The movie reminded me of a mix between Sex and the City (a PG-13 version!) and First Wives Club. It was fabulous! It gets two thumbs up from me!

A few posts ago, I talked about how John's "frugal nature" has rubbed off on me. I still have my moments though! John knows that one of my FAVORITE CARS on the road today is the Lexus RX Series SUV's pictured here...

Well, this was Meg Ryan's car that she drove in the movie and I kept telling John, "I love that car! I love that car, that's my favorite!" (in case he could actually forget!) And after the movie was over he tried to strike a little deal with me. He said, if you let me name our first son "Jean-Luke" (as in Jean-Luke Pickard from Star Trek! He knows I despise the name but John is a major Trekkie nerd and J-L Pickard is like his HERO!) then we could get me a Lexus RX330. I thought to myself, is this kid FOR REAL??? I'd name our kid Blur if it meant a new Lexus! We'll see if he actually ponies up the car though! It's not the most fuel efficient OR inexpensive but it sure is pretty! So if we have a son one day named Jean-Luke, you'll know I didn't pick it but it was a sacrifice I made to drive my dream car!


Mandy said...

Oh I don't know about the name! You may regret it later on :) Tyler wanted to name one of the boys blur!! At least this time around he is being a little more serious about the issue!

Jill said...

You are too funny!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see what happens! lol.

Emily said...

That is hilarious!! "Blur"--you got that from Tyler! Hmm, I don't know if I would do that! :) Good luck!

Ashley Perez said...

Ha ha! Don't do it! It's just a car! Jeff and I saw that movie last weekend and I too thought it was totally reminiscent of The First Wives Club...without Goldie Hawn's crazy antics of course =). Anniversaries are the best!

Ashley Perez said...

P.S. Did you know that there aren't any men in that movie? Not even voices or extras. Maybe that's why it's so good! Jk.

Emily said...

That makes me laugh so much! I am glad John took you to all your favorite place Stonefire Grill and to see that movie. I was wondering if it was a good movie! The whole deal is a little crazy if you ask me. This involves a human being who has to live with the name you give him! haha :) I love the name you already picked out for when you have a boy. Isn't my grandpa's name?

Paula said...

Go for the car!! You can always come up with a cute nick-name. J/K

By the way, if you ever do get the RX330, no worries. I have that car and I don't have to get gas but every week and a 1/2 (and that includes me and my 30-45 commute to work and back each day).

Heidi said...

LOVED this post and I am now officially DIEING to see this movie!! Happy Anniversary!!

amber said...

Oh go for it Linds, cars are SO much more important than a kids name! :)Just ask Cars (who couldn't decide on a name until a week before G was born).

A.J. said...

What if you named the Lexus John Luke? Is that acceptable?

Katie T. said...

I'm glad you both had a great Anniversay! I hope you get the car, it's cute. I thought for a boy name you both were going to use James Cameron? Good luck!